UNet, any way to identify if the incomming connection is a Browser (ie websocket) or standalone (ie UDP connection)?

As title states I have setup a server client Unet system that works both as standalone and webGL. However when in the editor the client always send its connection as a standalone and then testing in the browser it always sending as websocket. Id like to have the server do different things depending on the type of connection so I can speak to both.

Just wondering what the easiest way to do this is?


The easiest way is to use messages, when the player connects make him send to the server which type of connection he is using, and on the server store that in a dictionary storing the connection and the type.

class MyMsgType
	public const short SendConnectionDataMsg = MsgType.Highest + 1;

class Client : NetworkBehaviour
	void Start()
		NetworkManager.singleton.client.RegisterHandler(MsgType.Connect, netMsg =>
			NetworkManager.singleton.client.Send(MyMsgType.SendConnectionDataMsg, new ConnectionDataNetMsg()
				isWebPlayer = Application.isWebPlayer

class Server : NetworkBehaviour
	Dictionary<NetworkConnection, bool> connectionTypes = new Dictionary<NetworkConnection, bool>();

	void Start()
		NetworkServer.RegisterHandler(MyMsgType.SendConnectionDataMsg, netMsg =>
			var msg = netMsg.ReadMessage<ConnectionDataNetMsg>();
			connectionTypes[netMsg.conn] = msg.isWebPlayer;

class ConnectionDataNetMsg : MessageBase
	public bool isWebPlayer;