[UNET] Dynamically position NetworkStartPosition Gameobjects


I am trying to dynamically change the position and amount of the NetworkStartPosition objects in my game scene depending on the max players set in the Network Lobby Manager. The idea is I will have matches that will allow either 2, 3 or 4 players and I want the spawn positions to be positioned around a large circle in my scene as per the image below respectively.


Can this be done on an Awake() method or OnStartServer() of a ‘Spawner’ object and then use the RoundRobin spawning method? I guess I could load a different scene depending on the Max Players but that doesn’t seem like the best way of doing it.

I would really appreciate any help or suggestions.

Something like this should work… just set number of players and call generateplayers() function somewhere

int NumberOfPlayers;
Vector3 playerPosition;
float radiusOfOuterCircle;

void GeneratePlayers(){  
		for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfPlayers; i++) {

                float positionOfPlayerOnOuterCircle = i*1.0f / NumberOfPlayers;

                //converting it to PI value Mathf.PI*2 ~= 6.28

                float Angle = positionOfPlayerOnOuterCircle * Mathf.PI * 2;
		    float X_position = Mathf.Sin (Angle) * radiusOfOuterCircle;
		    float Y_position = Mathf.Cos (Angle) * radiusOfOuterCircle;

	Instantiate (yourPlayerPrefab, new Vector3 (X_position, Y_position, 0), Quaternion.identity);

I managed to do this by dynamically generating the NetworkStartPositions.
Attach this script to an empty gameObject on your scene:

public class DynamicStartPositions : MonoBehaviour
	void Awake ()
		int count = NetworkLobbyManager.singleton.maxConnections;
		for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
			float slice = 2 * Mathf.PI / count;
			float angle = slice * i;
			float x = Mathf.Cos (angle) * GameManager.arenaRadius;
			float y = Mathf.Sin (angle) * GameManager.arenaRadius;
			var go = Instantiate (new GameObject (), new Vector3 (x, y, 0.0f), Quaternion.identity);
			go.transform.parent = this.transform;
			go.AddComponent<NetworkStartPosition> ();