UNET - How to listen for StopBroadcastDiscovery() to finish? And can buffer be changed while BroadcastDiscovery is running?

Hi, I’m currently working on UNET NetworkTransport BroadcastDiscovery.

I’m using a modified version of this example.

However, if I call StopBroadcastDiscovery() and ask for NetworkTransport.IsBroadcastDiscoveryRunning() immediately afterwards, true is being returned.

Is this an asynchronous call?
If so, how can I get notified about the Discovery having finished the stopping process?


Also, is it possible to change the broadcast data while the service is running?
I tried the following:

  1. Stop()
  2. Change msgBuffer
  3. Start()

, but this resulted in the following error:

Broadcast discovery has been already running. Stop discovery first before repeat this call

Looks like this has also to do with my first question (see above).


Yep, Start and Stop seem to be asynchronous. If I waitForSeconds between the Stop() and Start() call, it works as expected. However, waitForSeconds is a dirty hack.

I still would like to know, if I can change the broadcasting data without restarting the service and / or if and how I can listen for Stop() to be finished.


I didn’t find a way to change the broadcast data while broadcast discovery is running.

But I solved the problem by doing the following:

  1. Prepare buffer with new data
  2. StopBroadcastDiscovery()
  3. while(not stopped) wait a frame
  4. StartBroadcastDiscovery()

This way I can listen for Stop() to finish and then safely Start() the service again.

See code example:

    //preparing msgBuffer in advance... then StartCoroutine(RestartServiceRoutine())

    public IEnumerator RestartServiceRoutine()
        if (IsRunning())

            //wait for service to be stopped, before starting again
            while (NetworkTransport.IsBroadcastDiscoveryRunning())
                yield return 0;


Hope this helps somebody else!

Cheers, phineliner

bug 742022 filed for this.