UNET match making finding but not showing matches..

on my server creator i set up a match like so:

void Awake() {
		nManager = GetComponent<NetworkManager> ();
		networkMatch = gameObject.AddComponent<NetworkMatch>();
		t_serverCurrentPlayers.text = "0";

        //press UI button to trigger this method..
	public void CreateServer() {
		if (serverName.text.Length >= 1 && serverMaxPlayers.text.Length >= 1) {
			CreateMatchRequest newServer = new CreateMatchRequest ();

			newServer.name = serverName.text;
			newServer.size = uint.Parse(serverMaxPlayers.text); //100
			newServer.advertise = true;
			networkMatch.CreateMatch (newServer, OnServerCreate);
		} else {
			Debug.Log("Please fill in all the required fields!");

	public void OnServerCreate(CreateMatchResponse createdServer) {
		if (createdServer.success) {
			serverCreated = true;
			Utility.SetAccessTokenForNetwork(createdServer.networkId, new NetworkAccessToken(createdServer.accessTokenString));
			NetworkServer.Listen(new MatchInfo(createdServer), 9000);
			t_serverCurrentPlayers.text = "0";

			serverName.interactable = false;
			serverMaxPlayers.interactable = false;
			serverPassword.interactable = false;


		} else {
			Debug.Log("Unable to create the server! Please try again!");

and on my client i look for matches and display them like so:

void Awake() {
		nManager = GetComponent<NetworkManager> ();

		if(showDialogBox == null) {
			showDialogBox = GetComponent<ShowDialogBox>();
		networkMatch = gameObject.AddComponent<NetworkMatch>();

    //UI button refreshes the match list here...
	public void ListServers() {
		networkMatch.ListMatches (0, 20, "", OnServerListed);

		if (serverList.Count > 0) {

		networkMatch.ListMatches (0, 20, "", OnServerListed);

		foreach (var server in nManager.matches) {
			GameObject entry = (GameObject)Instantiate (serverEntry);
			entry.gameObject.transform.FindChild("txt_serverName").GetComponent<Text>().text = server.name;
			entry.gameObject.transform.FindChild("txt_serverCurrPlayers").GetComponent<Text>().text = server.currentSize.ToString();
			entry.gameObject.transform.FindChild("txt_serverMaxPlayers").GetComponent<Text>().text = server.maxSize.ToString();
			entry.gameObject.transform.FindChild("txt_performance").GetComponent<Text>().text = server.averageEloScore.ToString();

			if (server.isPrivate) {
				entry.gameObject.transform.FindChild("img_password").GetComponent<Image>().sprite = privateServer;
			} else { 
				entry.gameObject.transform.FindChild("img_password").GetComponent<Image>().sprite = publicServer;
			entry.transform.SetParent (pnl_serverList);
			Debug.Log("after entry");
	public void OnServerListed(ListMatchResponse serverListResponse) {
		if (serverListResponse.success && serverListResponse.matches != null) {
			networkMatch.JoinMatch(serverListResponse.matches[0].networkId, "", OnServerJoined);

	public void OnServerJoined(JoinMatchResponse serverJoin) {
		if (serverJoin.success) {
                        showDialogBox.Show("woo!", "JOINED SERVER!");
		} else {
			showDialogBox.Show("Uh-oh!", "Failed to connect to this server! Please try again!");

UNET makes a msg in the console saying “match.Count == 1” so i assume its finding the match but then it does not display the match (the foreach lines)

Hello there,

I had the same issue (console showing a matchcount, but matchDesc list returning null) and after fiddling around I came to the conclusion it’s a problem of context?
I referenced my network manager explicitly when calling Listmatches and then the matchDesc list would be populated again.

In your code that’d be replacing that line

 networkMatch.ListMatches (0, 20, "", OnServerListed);

by this one

nManager.matchMaker.ListMatches (0, 20, "", nManager.OnServerListed);

I don’t understand exactly why is that but that worked for me ^^