Can anyone tell me if the internet matchmaking should be working in beta 3, and if so, what the Cloud Project ID in player settings is and where this comes from?
I’m getting the following error when selecting “enable matchmaking” from the network manager HUD: Failed to read the ID for the match maker, please set the Cloud Project ID string in the Player Settings
This was in our release notes for Beta 3, but might have been accidentally lost:
Networking: Using the Match Maker and relay server now requires you enter a Cloud Project ID into the Player Settings in the editor. You can get this ID by visiting This is similar to how it was before with the App ID, but a new place to enter the ID and a new URL to get it. Removed “Match App Id” field from NetworkManager and you don’t need to set anything with NetworkMatch.SetProgramAppID anymore.
We’re still in our staging environment and it’s possible your account might be different or not exist there. Did you try to create a new account on accounts-staging?
The same for me. I tried to set the App ID in the project settings and with the function.
The first one return an error with invalid app id.
The second one return an error with my app id but it seems it can’t found it.
Where can we found the Cloud Project ID ? It is the UNET ID ?
I certainly missing something about how to use NetworkMatch.