UNET - UI Not updating with Healthbar and other bars.


So when I run the game, the Health and such will go down in the inspector, but it wont on the UI Healthbar, and the 2 other bars( thirst and food ). Is there an easy fix for this problem? Or does it involve a full remake of this script ( Singleplayer works fine, converting to Multiplayer).

All suggestions welcome, I’d happily try them out.

Thanks for reading.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.Networking;

public class Player_Health : NetworkBehaviour

    private GameManager_Master gameManagerMaster;
    private Player_Master playerMaster;

    public float playerHealth = 100f;

    public Text healthText;
    public GameObject deathCanvas;

    public float hunger = 100f;
    public float thirst = 100f;

    public Image hungerBar;
    public Image thirstBar;
    public Image healthBar;

    public float hungerSpeedMultiplier = 0.10f;
    public float thirstSpeedMultiplier = 0.25f;
    public float playerHealthSpeedMultiplier = 0.30f;

    private bool isDying = false;

    public Vector3 spawnPoint = Vector3.zero;

    void OnEnable()
        playerMaster.EventPlayerHealthDeduction += DeductHealth;
        playerMaster.EventPlayerHealthIncrease += IncreaseHealth;


    void OnDisable()
        playerMaster.EventPlayerHealthDeduction -= DeductHealth;
        playerMaster.EventPlayerHealthIncrease -= IncreaseHealth;

    void Start()
        StartCoroutine(TestHealthDeduction()); //deathtest


    private void Update()

        if (hunger > 0)
            hunger -= Time.deltaTime * hungerSpeedMultiplier;

        if (thirst > 0)
            thirst -= Time.deltaTime * thirstSpeedMultiplier;

        if (hunger <= 0 || thirst <= 0 || hunger <= 0)
            isDying = true;

            isDying = false;

        if (isDying == true)
            playerHealth -= Time.deltaTime * playerHealthSpeedMultiplier;

        if(hunger > 100)
            hunger = 100f;

        if (thirst > 100)
            thirst = 100f;


        healthBar.fillAmount = playerHealth / 100;
        hungerBar.fillAmount = hunger / 100;
        thirstBar.fillAmount = thirst / 100;

    private void CheckDeath()
        if (playerHealth <= 0)


    void SetInitialReferences()
        gameManagerMaster = GameObject.Find("Game.Manager").GetComponent<GameManager_Master>();
        playerMaster = GetComponent<Player_Master>();

    IEnumerator TestHealthDeduction()
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(2);
        DeductHealth(20); // Removes health *@**@*@*@**@*@*@*@

        yield return new WaitForSeconds(4);
        DeductHealth(20); // Removes health *@**@*@*@**@*@*@*@

    void DeductHealth(int healthChange)
        playerHealth -= healthChange;

        if(playerHealth <=0)
            playerHealth = 0;


    private void Die()

    public void Respawn()
        playerHealth = 100;
        hunger = 100;
        thirst = 100;
        transform.position = spawnPoint;

    public void AddHunger(float amount)
        hunger += amount;

    public void AddThirst(float amount)
        thirst += amount;

    void IncreaseHealth(int healthChange)
        playerHealth += healthChange;

        if(playerHealth > 100)
            playerHealth = 100;


    void SetUI()
        if(healthText !=null)
            healthText.text = playerHealth.ToString();



Why don´t you use a slider?

slider.value = playerHealth;

I see your using images and I don´t understand why