The multiplayer appears wonderful and streamlined enough to use.
If you’re not in a new plan (previous owner of Unity, *hate software rental!), what options do you have to pay for whatever you need to get up and running with a basic multiplayer game?
It appears you have to have bandwidth and number of users connected, something like that…
If you could clarify your question then I could possibly help you.
What is “previous owner of Unity”, which version?
You don’t need to use unity multiplayer services for networking. What the networking services are is just a relay and matchmaking server.
If you are using the services then price depends on your plan and usage.
Well, I mean bought pro version Unity 5, prior to the subscription model.
I’m interested in adding online multiplayer to a game, I’m aware of Photon, but the Unet one seems interesting - they talk about pricing for subscription users, not non-subscription users.
I can’t imagine more than 10-100 users concurrently.
As @gintautass said, you don’t need to use the Unity multiplayer services for networking. UNet comes built-in to Unity, free for use. The services provided by Unity, not required by Unet, is just matchmaking and connection relay services.
Cool stuff, thanks. Obviously I’ve almost no multiplayer development experience, however the tutorial looks straight forward relatively. So the app users can connect online, with no other requirements or hosting type stuff, and play multiplayer using Unet? That’s really great.