I'm experiencing some weird behavior that I cannot explain. Im using an empty game object as a central point ("origin") where a second game object (a sphere) revolves around it, completely. This is meant to mimic the rotation of the sun, in a full day-night cycle.
Firstly, I would have expected that the rotational (transform.eulerAngles.y) value would change along the y-axis as this game object moves/rotates around the origin. Instead, it is the (transform.eulerAngles.x) that is changing. I can't explain why?
Secondly, more importantly, I would have expected the transform.eulerAngles.x to return the degrees of 0-359. Instead, once the sphere hits 90 degrees, the transform.eulerAngles.y and transform.eulerAngles.z values flip from being "0" - to each being "180"... and the transform.eulerAngles.x decrements itself from 90 back to 0 again (where it really should have been 180 degrees).
I expected the sphere to increment beyond 90 degrees, and did not expect the other axis values to flip to 180 each.
I know I'm doing something completely wrong here. But I cannot figure out what? Does anyone have any suggestions? Answers?