I’ve changed physics components and parameters for robotics simulation in my project.
- Solver type: PGS → TGS
- and now trying to switch to Articulation Body from Rigid Body + Joint.
Here’s really strange thing with parameters(?) in Articulation Body with Revolute type.
As you can see above screenshot, I set the target velocity on X Drive properties.
For more information, here are hierarchy and relationship.
Car(Gameobject + articulation body as a root body) mass 0.00001
– Left Wheel (Gameobject + articulation body with revolute) mass 1.5
– Right Wheel (Gameobject + articulation body as a root body) mass 1.5
– Body (Gameobject + articulation body as a root body) mass 80
Here is the problem.
The Car Object completely stuck in where object started when I set only “Target velocity”.
(I mean even it never try to start to move the object. seems )
(Of course, I didn’t check ‘immovable’ option in articulation body.)
I tried to find a “force” field in somewhere to make it move for body but I couldn’t.
So I was putting any value on field. (I know it doesn’t make sense)
And then I observed the consequence of value change setting values on ‘Target Velocity’.
- The values on “Stiffness” makes wheel spring like pendulum. (-> it is NOT what I intend.)
- The values on “damping” now finally makes it move the object.
Is “damping” on X drive properties meaning “force”?
as far as I know, damping is … literally “DAMP” … make it slow down… reduce force of something… isn’t it?
Anyone can explain these kind of situation?
(Articulation Body with target velocity value on revolute never moves unless give a value on ‘damping’)
Or is it bug?
I just want to add torque on joint like Motor component in HingeJoint.