I have a fairly mature game app (com.AngelsIncGames.CardSequenceFree) which up to release 12 had a very stable, growing user acquisition rate. Release 12 and earlier were built using Unity Editor 2019.4.29f1 but at Release 13 I changed to the Unity Editor 2021.3.4f1 primarily so that I could use a more up-to-date version of the Unity Advertising SDK.
Looking at data in the Play Console, I notice that the acquisition rate for the game reduced just at the time I released Release 13, even though there are no changes in the game functionality. I’ve also noticed that the number of supported Android devices reduced from 14869 at release 12 to 14002 at release 13 and later, and I am wondering if that caused the reduction in acquisition rate.
I have looked at the details for App bundle 13 (1.0.10) and App bundle 12 (1.0.9) as shown in the Play Console and I can see the following differences (In both cases they target API 30 and 177 countries).
Supported Android Devices 12: 14869 13: 14002
Localisations 12: None 13: 85
Permissions 12: 4 13: 6 (13 has additional permissions of RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED and WAKE_LOCK)
API Levels 12: 19+ 13: 22+
I have also looked at the build settings in the Unity Editor, and I can see two differences:
Minimum API Level 12: 19 13: 22
API Compatibility: 12: NET Standard 2.0 13: NET Standard 2.1
When moving from release 12 to 13, I did not intentionally make any changes to the build settings which might cause the differences in the builds listed above. They seem to have arisen due to the change in Editor version.( Note that the 2021 version of the editor does not let me set the Minimum API Level and NET API Compatibility back to the what they were in the 2019 editor)
Can anyone please advise if these two differences in Editor build settings are likely to be causing the reduction in the number of supported Android devices, and if so is there anything I can do to restore the original number of devices?