Unexpected error

Hi guys im not sure what this error means.

Assets/Scripts/Player/Character.cs(37,17): error CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type NetworkManager.Player' to Player’

Heres my script

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Character : MonoBehaviour {
	public Transform FirstPerson;
	public WeaponManager FirstpersonCont;
	public Transform ThirdPerson;
	public NetworkManager.Player MyPlayer;
	public Vector3 CurPos;
	public Quaternion CurRot;
	public GameObject RagDoll;
	public List<ThirdPersonGuns> Guns = new List<ThirdPersonGuns>();
	public Player LastShootBy;
	public string LastShootByName;

	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		MyPlayer.Manager = this;
		MyPlayer = NetworkManager.GetPlayer (networkView.owner);

		FirstPerson.gameObject.SetActive (false);
		ThirdPerson.gameObject.SetActive (false);
		DontDestroyOnLoad (gameObject);

	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {


	public void FindHitter(string name)
		LastShootBy = NetworkManager.GetPlayer(name);
		LastShootByName = name;
	public void GetKill()
		RankManager.Inst.Exp += 100;

	void Server_TakeDamage (float Damage)
		networkView.RPC ("Client_TakeDamage", RPCMode.Server, Damage);
	void Client_TakeDamage (float Damage)
		MyPlayer.Health -= Damage;
		Debug.Log (MyPlayer.Health);

		if (MyPlayer.Health <= 0) 
			Die ();
			MyPlayer.IsAlive = false;
			MyPlayer.Health = 0;

	void Spawn()
		MyPlayer.Health = 100;
		MyPlayer.IsAlive = true;
		if (networkView.isMine) 
			FirstPerson.gameObject.SetActive (true);
			ThirdPerson.gameObject.SetActive (false);
			FirstPerson.gameObject.SetActive (false);
			ThirdPerson.gameObject.SetActive (true);		

	void Die()
		MyPlayer.IsAlive = false;
		FirstPerson.gameObject.SetActive (false);
		ThirdPerson.gameObject.SetActive (false);

	void OnSerializeNetworkView(BitStream stream,NetworkMessageInfo info)
		if (stream.isWriting)
			CurPos = FirstPerson.position;
			CurRot = FirstPerson.rotation;
			stream.Serialize(ref CurPos);
			stream.Serialize(ref CurRot);
			char Ani = (char)GetComponent<NetworkAnimsStates>().CurrentAnim;
			stream.Serialize (ref Ani);
			stream.Serialize(ref CurPos);
			stream.Serialize(ref CurRot);
			ThirdPerson.position = CurPos;
			ThirdPerson.rotation = CurRot;
			char Ani = (char)0;
			stream.Serialize(ref Ani);
			GetComponent<NetworkAnimsStates>().CurrentAnim = (NetworkAnimsStates.Animations)Ani;
	public void Server_GetGun(string name)
		networkView.RPC ("Client_GetGun", RPCMode.All, name);
		Debug.Log (name);
	public void Client_GetGun(string name)
		foreach (ThirdPersonGuns tpg in Guns) 
			if(tpg.Name == name)
				Debug.Log (tpg + "Done");
				tpg.Obj.SetActive (false);
				Debug.Log (tpg + "Not Done");

public class ThirdPersonGuns
	public string Name;
	public GameObject Obj;

The MyPlayer and the LastShootBy variables are not the same type. The MyPlayer has a Player type from NetworkManager. But the LastShootBy type is a Player what is perhaps one of your class?

public NetworkManager.Player MyPlayer;
public Player LastShootBy;

//Try this

public void FindHitter(string name)
        LastShootBy = NetworkManager.GetPlayer(name) asPlayer ;//casting to player type
// LastShootBy = <Player>NetworkManager.GetPlayer(name) ;
        LastShootByName = name;