Unexpected symbol '}', expecting ')' or ','

Hello. I am using the Windows Phone Essentials Plugin, and I am trying to edit in a part of the main script (which showcases all of the functions) to a new script doing just the picture function, and instead of creating a new texture using a current one. I get the error "Unexpected symbol ‘}’, expecting ‘)’ or ‘,’. Here is the main script, which works:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using Prime31;
using Prime31.WinPhoneEssentials;

public class WinPhoneEssentialsDemoUI : MonoBehaviourGUI
	public GameObject quad;


	void Start()
		Push.channelUriUpdatedEvent += uri =>
			Debug.Log( "Push channel updated with new uri: " + uri );

	void OnGUI()

		if( GUILayout.Button( "Update Application Live Tile (standard)" ) )
			// first, create the tile data
			var tileData = new StandardTileData();
			tileData.backContent = "I'm on the back";
			tileData.backTitle = "BACK TITLE";
			tileData.title = "Live Tile Title";
			tileData.count = 12;

			// now update the tile
			Tiles.updateApplicationTile( tileData );

		if( GUILayout.Button( "Create Live Tile (Flip)" ) )
			// first, create the tile data
			var tileData = new FlipTileData();
			tileData.backContent = "Back of the Tile";
			tileData.backBackgroundImage = "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6f/Breastfeeding-icon-med.svg/202px-Breastfeeding-icon-med.svg.png";
			tileData.backTitle = "Back Title Here";
			tileData.backgroundImage = "http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/250x250/38333070.jpg";
			tileData.smallBackgroundImage = "Assets/Tiles/FlipCycleTileSmall.png";
			tileData.title = "Flip Tile Title";
			tileData.wideBackBackgroundImage = "http://blogs.msdn.com/cfs-filesystemfile.ashx/__key/communityserver-blogs-components-weblogfiles/00-00-00-91-03-metablogapi/5775.WideTileAfter_5F00_49305C14.jpg";
			tileData.wideBackContent = "Wide Back Content";
			tileData.wideBackgroundImage = "Assets/Tiles/FlipCycleTileLarge.png";
			tileData.count = 3;
			// now update the tile
			Tiles.createOrUpdateSecondaryLiveTile( "flippy-tile", tileData );

		if( GUILayout.Button( "Create Live Tile (Iconic)" ) )
			// first, create the tile data
			var tileData = new IconicTileData();
			tileData.iconImage = "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6f/Breastfeeding-icon-med.svg/202px-Breastfeeding-icon-med.svg.png";
			tileData.backgroundColor = Prime31.WinPhoneEssentials.Color.colorFromARGB( 255, 40, 255, 40 );
			tileData.smallIconImage = "http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/250x250/38333070.jpg";
			tileData.wideContent1 = "Wide content 1";
			tileData.wideContent2 = "Wide content 2";
			tileData.wideContent3 = "Wide content 3";
			tileData.title = "Live Tile Title";
			tileData.count = 3;

			// now update the tile
			Tiles.createOrUpdateSecondaryLiveTile( "my-tile", tileData );

		if( GUILayout.Button( "Get Total Active Live Tiles" ) )
			Debug.Log( "total live tiles: " + Tiles.totalActiveLiveTiles() );

		if( GUILayout.Button( "Delete Live Tile" ) )
			Tiles.deleteSecondaryLiveTile( "my-tile" );
		if( GUILayout.Button( "Open Push Channel" ) )
			Push.openChannel( "test-push-channel" );
		if( GUILayout.Button( "Get App Launch Uri" ) )
			Debug.Log( "app launch uri: " + Push.uriUsedToOpenApplication );
		endColumn( true );

		if( GUILayout.Button( "Show SMS Composer" ) )
			Sharing.showSMSComposer( "5558675309", "Howdy. Let's dine tonight" );
		if( GUILayout.Button( "Show Link Share UI" ) )
			Sharing.shareLink( "http://prime31.com", "prime[31] web page", "good stuff!" );
		if( GUILayout.Button( "Show Email Composer" ) )
			Sharing.showEmailComposer( "do it up tonight! " + Application.platform, "We gotta rock some multiplayer", null, null, null );
		if( GUILayout.Button( "Prompt for Photo" ) )
			Sharing.promptForPhoto( true, ( didComplete, photoBytes ) =>
				Debug.Log( "photo chooser result: " + didComplete );

				if( didComplete )
					Debug.Log( "photo chooser successful. image size: " + photoBytes.Length );
					// we process the image in a coroutine so that it happens on the proper Unity thread
					StartCoroutine( loadRawPhotoToTexture( photoBytes ) );

		if( GUILayout.Button( "Show Share Status UI" ) )
			Sharing.showShareStatusUI( "Going to the beach!" );
		if( GUILayout.Button( "Show Marketplace Review" ) )
		if( GUILayout.Button( "Show Web Page" ) )
			Sharing.showWebBrowser( "http://prime31.com" );


	private IEnumerator loadRawPhotoToTexture( byte[] photoBytes )
		yield return null;

		var tex = new Texture2D( 0, 0 );
		tex.LoadImage( photoBytes );
		quad.renderer.material.mainTexture = tex;


And the script I am doing that is not working:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using Prime31;
using Prime31.WinPhoneEssentials;

public class Photo : MonoBehaviour {

	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
	#if UNITY_WP8
		public Texture tex;
	// Update is called once per frame
	void OnGUI () {
	if (GUILayout.Button("Prompt for Photo"))
			Sharing.promptForPhoto(true,( didComplete, photoBytes ) =>
				Debug.Log( "photo chooser result: " + didComplete );

				if( didComplete )
					Debug.Log( "photo chooser successful. image size: " + photoBytes.Length );
					// we process the image in a coroutine so that it happens on the proper Unity thread
					StartCoroutine( loadRawPhotoToTexture( photoBytes ) );
		private IEnumerator loadRawPhotoToTexture( byte[] photoBytes )
		yield return null;

		tex.LoadImage( photoBytes );
		quad.renderer.material.mainTexture = tex;

If anyone could help me with this error, I would appreciate it.

  1. Your lambda expression lacks the characters “);” in line 29
  2. loadRawPhotoToTexture() is placed inside OnGui()

Try to keep your code well organized, add empty lines between methodsand keep care of tab stops to prevent errors like this :slight_smile:
(In case that the broken format is a side effect of copy and paste, ignore my suggestion).

You have your declaration for loadRawPhotoToTexture() inside the OnGUI() function.
Move one of your closing curly braces to before that line and it should solve that error message.