unexpected symbol 'float' C#

float lastPositionY = 0f;
float FallDistance = 0f;

functionUpdate ()
FallDistance = 0;
lastPositiony = 0;
if (lastPositionY > player.transform.y)
FallDistance += lastPositionY - player.transform.position.y;
lastPositionY = player.transform.position.y;

You’re mixing C# and JS within the same file. You have to follow the scripting style of the file’s extension (.cs or .js)

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I just redid it, here is the new code for fall damage if anyone is interested. The player.SendMessage(“ApplyDamage”, FallDistance*10); line is sending a message to the player to call a function of applying damage.
#pragma strict

var LastPositionY = 0;
var FallDistance = 0;
var player : Transform;

private var controller : CharacterController;

function Start()
controller = GameObject.Find(“Player”).GetComponent(CharacterController);

function Update()
if(LastPositionY > player.transform.position.y)
FallDistance += LastPositionY - player.transform.position.y;

LastPositionY = player.transform.position.y;

if(FallDistance >= 5 && controller.isGrounded)
player.SendMessage(“ApplyDamage”, FallDistance*10);

if(FallDistance <= 5 && controller.isGrounded)

function ApplyNormal()

FallDistance = 0;
LastPositionY = 0;

I would strongly suggest investigating C# instead of UnityScript.