Unexpected token ".." in UnityScript

Unity gives me an error where it says I have 2 dots “…” written instead of one. But I don’t find this anywhere in my script, could it be how I declared the vector 3? Here is the script:

 //adds a random rotation to newly placed objects
        var rotation: float = Random.Range(objectsMinRotation, objectsMaxRotation);
        obj.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(Vector3.forward * rotation); //this is the offending line that causes the ".." token

EDIT: To make it easier here is the offending line (near the end of the script I put up)

var availableObjects: GameObject[];  //sets the size of available objects we can put in  
var objects:  GameObject[]; //puts in our objects such as coins and lasers

var objectsMinDistance: float = 5.0f;  //the minimum distance they can spawn ahead of the player
var objectsMaxDistance: float = 10.0f; //the maximum distance they can spawn ahead of the player

var objectsMinY: float = -1.4f; //sets the objects (lasers/coins) y value between a min and max
var objectsMaxY: float = 1.4f;
var objectsMinRotation: float = -45.0f; //sets the objects (lasers/coins) rotation range value between a min and max
var objectsMaxRotation: float = 45.0f;

function AddObject(lastObjectX: float)
    //randomly indexes the very first object (either laser or coins) on game  start to spawn
    var randomIndex: int = Random.Range(0, availableObjects.Length);
    //instantiates the gameobject on the scene
    var obj: GameObject;  
    obj = Instantiate(availableObjects[randomIndex]);
 	//Sets the object’s position, using a random interval and a random height. This is controlled by script parameters.
    var objectPositionX: float = lastObjectX + Random.Range(objectsMinDistance, objectsMaxDistance); 
    var randomY: float = Random.Range(objectsMinY, objectsMaxY);
    var obj.transform.position =  Vector3(objectPositionX,randomY,0); 
    //adds a random rotation to newly placed objects
    var rotation: float = Random.Range(objectsMinRotation, objectsMaxRotation);
    obj.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(Vector3.forward * rotation);
    //Adds the newly created object to the objects list for tracking and ultimately, removal (when it leaves the screen).

I’d say the problem is this line:

var obj.transform.position = Vector3(objectPositionX,randomY,0);

You’re not declaring a new variable here, so should just be:

obj.transform.position = Vector3(objectPositionX,randomY,0);