Unforsaken LORE - RPG Looking For Testers!

I have messed around with unity for about a year, and a few months ago I finally decided to sit down and try to complete an actual game. I had created a few smaller games in the past and even attempted a half-life 2 type of clone for the unity-kongregate contest, but two days before the contest entry ended the files got corrupted, so no luck there. I didn’t work on a game for about a month after that. Then during early march I got an idea for an RPG game. I wanted to have solid RPG elements (levels, quests, etc) along with real-time strategy combat. And what I came up with was Unforsaken LORE. It was complicated enough to consider an actual game, and easy enough to complete in a timely fashion, so it was perfect. I started work on the game, and it was going pretty smooth. During this time I really enjoyed watching videos of others developing their video games, and seeing the changes they made to their games. So I started making Development Log Videos of my game as well (which you can watch here). And I have to say it’s really rewarding and fun to get feedback on my game during its development.

So my game has been in development for about 2 months now, and it’s almost ready for its first testing. Although it’s going to be a pre-alpha demo, it’s not just going to be an area without actual gameplay, but it’s going to have a main town with several areas (forest, mining, etc) that you will be able to explore, fight enemies, and train your skills in. In my latest video I announced that we are accepting testers for our game; and what is needed in order to sign up to become a tester. I think the best way to get feedback on a game is to have users actually try it out. And I know that not everyone has a youtube account, so you do not have to be subscribed to my account to become a tester (but it doesn’t hurt :wink: ). So here is what is needed in order to become a tester:

1: Sign up on the Forums (So we can recieve feedback from the testers on the forums)

2: Send me a private message with the following:

First Name:
Forum Username (On the Unforsaken LORE Forums):
Why you want to test the game:
Have you ever tested any games before:

Anyways Thank You if you decided to sing up, and don’t forget you can see the Development Log Videos on my Youtube Channel!

P.S. Testing will begin in about 2 weeks! :slight_smile:

First Name: Jonathan
Email: tangodown112233@hotmail.com
Forum Username: LastBulliet
Why you want to test the game: Just like to play RPG’s reallt
Have you ever tested any games before: Yup Yup

Thanks For Signing Up! But for the Forum Username I didn’t mean your username on the unity3d forums, but I wanted your username on the Unforsaken LORE Forums. Which I don’t think you have signed up for yet. :wink:

Oh okay let me sign up