Hello all. I’m working on save/load system for my game and faced with a problem appearing in a trivial scenario when the data of multiple MonoBehaviour scripts of the same type and attached to the same GameObject should be saved/restored. How can I identify these MonoBehaviours in order to assign restored data to the same MonoBehaviours that were saved? On GameObjects level I can use sibling indexes but there seems no access to MonoBehaviour indexes of the internal array of the GameObject. Some workaround would be using indexes of the array returned by GameObject.GetComponents() method but it seems not reliable as I’m not sure that the order of MonoBehaviours in this array will be kept between game sessions and on different PCs.
class DataHolderScript : MonoBehaviour
public int DataValue;
GameObject gameObject;
void Save()
gameObject = new GameObject();
DataHolderScript dataFirst = gameObject.AddComponent<DataHolderScript>();
dataFirst.DataValue = 1;
DataHolderScript dataSecond = gameObject.AddComponent<DataHolderScript>();
dataSecond.DataValue = 2;
Serialize(new int[] { dataFirst.DataValue, dataSecond.DataValue });
void Load()
int[] dataValues = Deserialize();
DataHolderScript[] dataHolders = gameObject.GetComponents<DataHolderScript>();
//Can I assume that the order of DataHolderScripts persists between game sessions (probably on different PCs)???
dataHolders[0].DataValue = dataValues[0];
dataHolders[1].DataValue = dataValues[1];
Thanks in advance.