Unit 5 Unable to Bake Shadows - Terrain

I just made the upgrade to Unity 5 Free and I seem to have run into a bug.

I have been working on a video game with the previous version of Unity, and have updated to the current version. My game level has a small terrain that has custom trees placed via the terrain editor. When lighting, my real-time shadows function fine, but when baking I have run into a major problem. I have not been able to bake down any shadows onto a lightmap atlas. When the light parameters are switched to “Baked” after lightmapping, they produce a game level void of shadows. This has lead me to believe that Unity 5 cannot bake shadows onto a terrain with placed trees. With older versions of Unity, this was no problem. I have been at this a whole day, testing static settings, prefabs and so on an nothing worked. Is there a fix for this problem?

I seem to be having this same issue with shadows on a cube (my level’s floor). This might be a bug in general with the baked lightmaps. Not sure if anyone can confirm it’s a bug.

There is a known bug with terrains and trees: case 685764: Terrain trees do not cast shadows into baked lightmaps

@KEngelstoft , I’m having this issue when I bake a lightmap with shadows with small cubes on a larger cube surface, not a terrain surface. Is this a know bug as well?

Will the fix to the bug be available in the next update?

That sounds like a different issue.

No, we don’t have a fix yet.

Does this bug adress all types of baking (AO - Shadows)?

Bump. Is Unity planning on allowing tree shadows to be baked on the terrain in ANY future releases?

I can no longer find this in the Issue Tracker. Has this problem been fixed?

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