Unit Pro and Unity Iphone use same editor?

Unit Pro and Unit Iphone use same editor?

Unity Pro Compiler for Iphone?

I have to buy the iphone remote to test in real time?

My Unity Advancer dont play in real time…

No, they are two distinct applications.
Also Unity iPhone requires an additional license, normal desktop licenses can not deploy to the iphone.

Unity iPhone has a few feature additions the desktop does not have (occlusion culling and the new input possibilities) and a few features are not present that the desktop has (like no terrain as the iphone hardware is worlds too weak for that, no support for programmable graphics pipeline ie pixel / vertex shaders)

But you can test it in realtime in the editor with iphone input in the Unity iPhone editor if you have the Remote installed and running and its able to connect to your system through WiFi

tanks… ! :smile: