Unite CPH - New features in the Unity Test Framework

The Unite talk Richard @superpig Fine and I did at Unite Copenhagen is now available on youtube.

It covers the new test runner api, split build and run and some practical examples of how it can be used.


Unfortunately i could not attend Unite, but i just watched this online (twice actually!)
Great talk @superpig and @Warnecke ! i think it was filled with great examples of real world use cases that people need.

I think we need more content like this (maybe on the “Learn” site? i don’t recall anything related to testing there).

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I actually have a question about some of the content that was shown: all those use cases (running tests manually, integrating with the build, etc) seem to be very common scenarios that people need.

Are you guys planning to bake this into the test framework code? seems like a lot of boilerplate, i mean why would all developers need to write this themselves?


This is great! Thanks for sharing… would love to see the sample code used in the 2D game kit tests :slight_smile: