Unity 1.7 iPhoneSDK 4.0

When i try and build anything it fails because unity trys to compile things for 2.x through to 3.2 but i don’t have an iPad so that’s no use to me and as the newest version of the SDK (4.0) only includes 4.0 3.2 so any 3.x SDK’s it won’t compile anything.

Video of the bug,

Try building for 3.2, that worked for me.


Thanks but I already tried that but my device is a 2G iPod running 3.1.2 and apps need to be compiled for arch6 but the iPad uses arch7 meaning it won’t install on my device :frowning:

Oh, sorry, I misunderstood you’re problem.

All you need to do is:

  1. Set Base SDK to 4.0 in project and target settings
  2. Set Deployment to 3.1.3 (or 3.0 if you want) - This is present in the target settings
  3. Set the target architecture to standard (arm6 arm7)

then in the project menu ensure that you use arm6 as active architecture

I tried running a blank unity project doing that and deploying onto a 2G iPhone running OS 3.1.x and it exits right after my logo shows.

look at the crashlog on why.
worst case it runs out of memory, if you made the same error as me, trashing your phone with a n install of iOS4, that is very well possible

I figured it out.

I had to Uncheck Build Active Architecture Only

I set it to arms6. It works now.

sweet :slight_smile:
interesting that you saw the logo then, cause for me it dies before reaching even the logo on architecture related crashes

I found out unchecking build active architecture only will be rejected by apple and also makes the app size bigger.

I had to set armv6 in 3 places and kept the “build active architecture” checked. Now it works. It was being forced to build armv7 before and it caused the crash. Now its good to go.

I am completely confused.
If I build something for iOS4, will people that haven’t upgraded yet still be able to run my games?
I personally don’t want to upgrade since I have only 1 device at the moment, and I hear iOS4 is slower…

If you build your game with base sdk 4.0 targeting os 3.0 you are fine.

Your game should be able to run on OS3.0 and up.

The only reason why I ran into this issue with sdk 4.0 is because I have an iPhone 4 and I couldn’t deploy anything on it until I upgraded to the latest xcode.

Well can I just say thanks for misunderstanding him, because you’ve fixed my problem.