Unity 2.0 Coming This Summer!

Dear users, customers, friends.

We, the team behind Unity have been hard at work for over two years, and are now proud to announce the upcoming release of Unity 2.0, and to showcase a small selection of the 50 amazing new features. You know, features to make your games look better on more platforms, run faster, and easier to make.

Any Unity 1.x purchase made after May 16th is automatically eligible for free upgrade. So get up to speed now withUnity 1.6.2, and you’ll receive a free upgrade to 2.0 when it’s ready.

Check the Unity 2.0 preview

Love from Copenhagen, San Francisco, Kaunas, Seattle, and Aarhus.


Let the party begin! 8) :smile:

I’m already drunk! :wink:

Any idea of what the upgrade price is yet for us who bought Unity years ago? :wink:

Need to start saving…


And here are some images in a slightly higher res

um - holy *%^$!!!

you guys have really outdone yourselves.

a huge congrats, thanks i can’t wait ; ))))))

Looks awesome - congratulations!
I can’t wait to see what’s coming in Unity 3.0!!!


And here’s a high-res image of me and Aras doing extensive compatibility testing of the DirectX Renderer… just for you! :wink:


Phenomenal! I can’t wait! Upgrade pricing for current Unity users PLEASE!!! I have Unity Pro!



I’m not going to be able to sleep until it comes out. I can’t wait! :smile:

Ah, this brings a tear of joy to my eye. :smile:

Cooool … I likey! :smile:

Stoked, I made the upgrade having only just purchased! Woohoo … excited!


P.S: Obviously I’d love to know when it’s going to be released ? Also, what way will new Unity 2.0 features effect Indie vs Pro ? And, are the prices going to rise ?

Wowza thats completely awesome. Im gutted the shadows are pro-only, but thats fair enough…You guys deserve my bling bling, so you can count on me buying pro one day.

Total congratulations!
Aaron Cross

Very nice. It should be a good summer!


ALL this at one time is incredible!

Congratulations on the hard work, it will surely pay off! Why would anyone use any other tool(especially for wii dev!!).

But forget about the Wii dev, the optimizations on the web player and streaming is simply incredible.

P.S.- Can someone post a highres of the the GUI image, pretty pleeeeease?

I’m even drooling thinking about making cool 3d websites!

Both the easy GUI and Streaming video features are an instant upgrade pull for me. Never mind all the other great features.

A bit annoyed about shadows. Still don’t understand why startups/indie devs/hobbyists have to have reduced graphical features. Wouldn’t it be more equitable to just have the mac only games limitation and a stipulation that if you make over a certain amount of money you must upgrade? I know i’d prefer to play with the wierder features of graphical rendering but can’t justify buying Pro for what falls into extra curricular investigation at the moment.

After all most people on these forums seem pretty reasonable and happy to channel profits to OTEE.


Brilliant. Amazing. Stupendous!

A massive achievement… congratulations!

@ Dingo

Heres a mid-res shot of our GUI from the announcement.

Hope u like it :slight_smile:


Gorgeus, my sincere congratulations for all the team.

Now, if only someone could please confirm that we will also get a good solid UNDO, not only I would buy Unity right now, but I also promise to delete all the other engines from my HD… :slight_smile:

Keep up the great work.