We’re proud to announce Unity 2.1.
No, I mean, really and intensely proud.
Of course we’ve done the usual things: we’ve listened to your requests, and sifted through your bugs. We’re good at that, and proud that we still listen, and that we try to really understand your needs, and come up with actually useful solutions to them (and sometime innovative too).
Undo anyone? Realtime shadows on terrains? Fancy-schmancy rendering techniques (“Rendering with Shader Replacement” and Immediate Mode Rendering)? Check. Check. Check.
But there’s been more. A part of what’s been going on behind the scenes at HQ (and in cities around the world, including SF, Seoul, and Oslo) has been that we’ve been working with some of the top companies in the worlds in the MMO space to make sure that Unity was totally MMO-ready.
Which ones? Funcom, which is behind Anarchy Online and Age of Conan, decided to use Unity for their upcoming browser based MMO project. And Cartoon Network decided to switch their FusionFall MMO from an old-fashioned non-web-based engine, to … what? Duh, Unity FTW!
So what does that actually mean? It means that Unity is a great client for MMOs and virtual worlds. And that some of the pickiest people in the world evaluated it, and decided to bet millions of production dollars that Unity would be scalable, and stable, and fast enough to support their projects.
And they came forth with feature requests, and we implemented them and added them to Unity 2.1, benefiting all of you.
So we give you: full non-linear streaming of assets, the ability to stream in infinite terrains, a scriptable build system (when you have 35,000 assets, this becomes somewhat useful), the ability to stitch and split animated characters (and lots more in that area).
And everyone loves optimizations, and of course the other dozens of small and not-so-small additions. Oh, and we added some more example projects too.
So without further ado:
What’s in there? http://unity3d.com/unity/whats-new/unity-2.1
Download it: http://unity3d.com/unity/unity.dmg
Unity Resources: Unity Learn
See some of you in Copenhagen in October. See all of you around in the forums.
Love and excitement,
David Helgason