Unity 2.5 Questions

  1. Will you be able to view multiple cameras in the inspector (multiple views by camera maybe not for in game purposes) By this I mean the ability to drag a camera into the the game view and switch to that one but then drag another into another game and not change the camera in the view you just put the camera too) confusing I know I can’t really explain it well…

  2. Will there be more functions for unity javascript/C#/Boo ?

  3. Will Unity 2.5 have more clear errors?

  1. Put down the crack pipe… I have no idea what you’re talking about :wink:
    Maybe you could clarify this question a bit more.

  2. Yes there’s a ton of new Editor GUI functions due to Unity 2.5’s GUI being written completely in Unity GUI… besides that there a few new ones but nothing significant AFAIK.

  3. Unity 2.5 is mainly a rewriting of the GUI to make it work on both Windows and Mac… there aren’t a whole lot of feature changes besides that (and why it’s a free 2.x release).


yeah I know I was really tired last night. Ok here is what I mean.

  1. Have a camera and drag it on to the game view

  2. As a result of that the game view switches the view to that camera

  3. When you have another camera game view do the same things

  4. The Game Views view’s to be independent of what the current camera is so You drag one camera to one view and another to another view and they each display separate camera views

That clear enough

Or you could add the option of displaying the skybox and other similar things in the scene view, either one works for me. :slight_smile:

More clear errors? What does that mean?

Instead of Editor3ACC(0.0.000000A1) Error (Something like that, I just made that one up) I’ve gotten errors like those from time to time.

In cases like that, you should fill out a bug report mentioning the error type and attach a project reproducing it - that way the developers will be aware of the issue and able to fix it whether it be a code change or an error message rephrasing.


1 is already possible pretty easily.
I’ve that in my editor and started the work on that functionality after I’ve seen that such things are possible due to one of the presentations of unite 2007 which you can check on the page

Just requires a simple OnDrawGismosSelected functionality on a component on the object that renders the camera into a specific rect you define.
Couldn’t be much easier actually :slight_smile:

The Unite 2007 videos and downloads in general are pretty interesting.
I really hope that the 2008 stuff at some point becomes available as well given similar things exist. I think I learned more about Unity capabilities from those things than from the majority of other things I’ve looked at.