After activating Unity 3 Pro Trial, I tried to load “Island Demo” and “Car Tutorial” projects that were created using Unity 2 but I got error messages complaining about missing or invalid files. The “BootCamp” project worked fine. How can I fix the problem?
I’m getting something different – UpdateTreeColors.js(13,29) TerrainLightmapper is not a member of UnityEditor.
Unity 3 changed stuff in the shaders and in Javascript/Mono.
It tries to autocorrect some things when it is upgrading the project (it does a pretty good job with the non-complicated stuff actually), but for anything somewhat more complicated you have to manually do them yourself.
Look at what error messages you get and try to correct them.
Thanx AcidArrow. I just commented out the two lines for now and the project works.
Is there a namespaces document?
Can you be more specific about what you mean by a namespaces document? The namespaces you are likely to encounter with Unity are UnityEditor for editor specific things, UnityEngine for most other things and any .NET library namespaces you import.