Ok, so cloth usability supposed have improved for Unity 2017.3…
But honestly, I think this has gone backwards, because of the inability to resize the actual sphere gizmo per vertex. Because they can be “large” and overlap each other for a dense cloth, I can’t seem to figure out which vertex is indicated by which sphere etc… which makes the system worse than before.
Is there way to resize the sphere gizmos for each vertices, or am I right on this?
Bump. Same problem. Cloth system is great, but kinda unusable on dense meshes - it is impossible to figure out where which vertex is.
The only hacky workaround I’ve came up with is to greatly increase the size of the model in the 3d editor, import it in Unity, add Cloth component, edit constraints (now the gizmo size should be workable relative to the new model size), then change the model’s size in the 3d editor back to normal and reimport the model (overwriting the old one).
Just bumping this since this is unfortunately still an issue with no solution I have been able to find after researching around the past day about this.
The only thing at this time I can do is just resize / scale up all my objects in the scene by roughly 10 times, make the adjustments I need, then resize it back down. Sadly even then this seems to be a hit-or-miss because sometimes the sphere’s will just scale up in size regardless of the fact.
I’m a bit at a loss on what to do since at the moment this sadly renders the cloth component unusable.
Yeap… it just beats me on how long it will take for this to be addressed. And then if you take a look at the games made using Unity… there are not that many uses Unity cloth… maybe for a good reason…? Usually… when this kind of thing happens in Unity… asset store comes to the rescue but sadly not this case… only other option is obi cloth but it also has a lot of problems… also it is sad that so many of the builten features are out done by the asset store…
The best way to get this prioritised is to report bugs (even if they get closed as duplicates) and vote on the issue tracker on an open bug (if someone reported a bug already), If such a bug report already exists, post the issue tracker link here, and ask everyone who cares about it to vote on it.
This way, the relevant devs will see what is important on their bug list.