Unity 2017.30f3 still has a broken tree creator

When will this be fixed, if ever ?
When you create a tree and add a branch and want to reposition that the editor won’t let you and spams the console with error messages, it has been like this for more then a year, and a quick search told me that others have made a bug report of that, which says it’s active for more then a yesr, and nothing has been done to fix it, why ?

Is it because you want to earn money with the speedtree addon ?

Are we not allowed to make trees without having to pay for it ?
I’m learning stuff here, i can’t afford to buy everything i need to learn game making.

So Unity, if you please, could you fix that stuff…otherwise i’ll probably have to start using unreal, cause Unity gives me headaches pretty much all the time cause stuff don’t work right.

Do you have a bug number so I can see what the status is?