I rigged up a quick unity VR video playing module by downloading gvr-unity sdk
Installed the unity package and then finished it by importing "GVRVideoPlayer.unitypackage "
But when i open GVR360 video demo scene. It keeps saying
“Video Support libraries not found or
could not be loaded! Please add the
GVRVideoPlayer.unitypackage to this
So after 7 new Projects and countless tries and retires of code. The result is the same
Project Seetings :
Player Settings : Other Settings → Virtual reality SDKs → Cardboard
Platform Android : Minimum API Level Android 7.0 ougat , API LEVEL 24
PS: I did try Unity Video player it plays on desktop nut it doesn’t even load the video or play it on Android
If there’s any other workaround for this please do let me know