Hello, I have a “Fatal Error / Failed to initialize player” when I’m trying to launch my built game for Windows.
I Wonder if something goes wrong during build, but the Editor does not crash or shows errror messages.
A few additional observations that may help:
-My game has 32 scenes and if I only build 3 scenes, I can launch it normally
-Building the full game takes about 40 minutes so it is difficult to test level by level until I find the problem.
-If I compare “MyGame”_Data folder with an older version, a “data.unity3d.tmp” of 3.43 GB file appears in the unworking version (and also a data.unity3d file of 3.08GB)
-It was working fine with Unity 2018.2.5f1 but there was maybe less content (I’ve added mp3 files for each scene)
-My system: Windows 10 / Memory 16GB / Storage 54GB on C: and 30GB on D / NVIVIDA 1060
-It is designed for OpenVR (SteamVR) and I’m using HTC Vive
Output folder is 6.77GB (with 3.43 data.unity3d.tmp file)
-Build settings: Windows / x86_64 / compression LZ4HC
Perhaps related to the following issue, which causes all sorts of odd errors and crashes:
A quick test to find out, whether it’s related to the size limit, would be to resize a lot of large textures (inside Unity) to 64x64 pixels for example, replace large sound files with silence, etc. Just to make sure to get the build size much smaller in a short amount of time.
If the game works with these modifications, then it’s probably related to the linked bug. In this case you might want to look into asset bundles, to by-pass this Unity limitation, as suggested in the linked forum thread.
Thanks for your reply Peter77.
Since my previous post, I’ve rebuilt changing compression from LZ4HC to Default.
Result: it works !
Instead of two big data.unity3d and data.unity3d.tmp files, I have a collection of files (globalgamemanagers, level0 to level31) with a maximum size of 155MB so the size limit seems to be a good gess.
And the final size of the game is a bit smaller (maybe on previous build it did not finish as a .tmp was still there).