Unity 2018.2 LWRP blackscreen on build(Android VR)

Hello, I have recently upgraded my unity project to include the LWRP package but I’ve been facing an issue where it works perfectly fine in the editor but the moment I build the project to my phone the screen is completely black with the VR split line in the middle. Now the phone I am using is a Samsung s6, and I have tried changing the rendering from multipass → single-pass, I have disabled AA and even tried just x2 AA, and I have tried changing the Color space from gamma to linear and still have had no success in solving this problem. any of you have any suggestions? I would be more than happy to share more information if need be!

There are two things that you can do that I found:

  • use linear instead of gamma color space

  • follow this thread (last entry and appearing bug link is relevant)

For those, who face Black Screen problem in Google VR and LWRP in unity 2019. Following thing worked for me.

  1. I used HelloVR Scene from Google VR SDK in untiy
  2. In Hierarchy, delete or disable GvrInstantPreviewMain GameObject.
    thats all.