[Unity 2018.3] After importing TMP essentials "overrides" show TMP entries you can't get rid of

In case somebody else runs into this problem.
Already sent a bug report so I use the same text for this posting as I used there.

  1. What happened

After importing the “TMP Essentials” which Unity proposes after using Text Mesh Pro the first time newly created prefab instances will show TMP overrides you can’t get rid of. (See screenshots showing the steps)

Unity Version: 2018.3.1f

  1. How we can reproduce it using the example you attached

  2. Create a new empty Unity project

  3. Add a new TMP gameobject via GameObject->UI->Text Mesh Pro Text

  4. Turn it into a prefab

  5. Observe that the GameObject doesn’t show any overrides

  6. Now do the import of TMP Essentials as shown in screenshot #4

  7. Repeat steps 2-3 or copy the existing TMP gameobject

  8. Observe that there is now a TMP override as shown in screenshot #5 and #6. You can’t get rid of it using apply/revert.

This issue was reported previously and will be addressed in the next release of the TMP package which will soon be released.

The only remaining issue related to the new Prefab modes is related to the Mesh Filter but all other override issues have been resolved.

Thanks, Stephan_B!

I also noticed that Mesh Filter issue but didn’t find out yet how to reproduce that one.

Looking forward to the bugfix. :slight_smile:

Hi. Any ynews on this ?
still appears even in TMP 1.4.0

Only the Mesh Filter should be visible. This is an issue the Prefab team needs to address and related to the Mesh Filter component itself and not TMP.

thanks for the answer.
and is there any way to solve this issue ? i mean to not have this Mesh filter component listed ?

That is what the Prefab team needs to address which is to provide some mechanism to have certain components or serialized properties ignored.