Hello, after upgrading to 2018.3.b7(Win10, LWRP) I have discovered the following strange behavior/bug:
When importing fbx file containing more materials (tested with 3) and trying to remap the materials shown in Import Settings to those already existing in Materials folder:
First material remaps ok
When second material from Materials folder is dropped into the appropriate material slot in Inspector/Material Import Settings, Import mode deliberately changes - the toggle “Import Materials” gets unselected
When trying to toggle “Import Materials” on again, either nothing happens or - mostly - crash follows.
All materials are “default” LWRP, just various colors to make visual difference.
Exact procedure described in attached picture.
The b3, which I used before upgrading to b7, worked quite ok in this regard.
I wander if anybody has (had? ) run into similar problem? The bug makes any serious work with b7 almost impossible. Your experience/comment would be welcomed
Same problem.
Can also confirm that we can only remap a maximum of 1 material.
I uploaded my project as a bug report, but then I found this thread.
Beta 8.
Did anybody submitted a bug-report for this problem? If so, please post the bug-report ID for Unity staff to pick up.
If no bug-report was submitted, I guess Unity Technologies isn’t spending much time on issues they don’t have a report and project to reproduce the issue and test their fix against.
Mine is 1096609.
I would like to follow up, but this website “Fogbugz” requires a paid account to log in?
Im not even sure Unity is using this website anymore, I have an open case from 2014 why arent they closing it?
As far as I know, Fogbugz is their ‘internal’ bug tracking site – you can’t browse through the bug reports of others unless they give you the direct link . If Unity decides it’s an issue worth investigating, a public report is (usually) created and you’re sent the Issue Tracker link.
I just had a bug report about which I didn’t hear since summer closed without an e-mail notification; so they do go back to close cases. But 2014 is a long time ago and from this ancient article it seems like they were unable to respond to even a fraction of the reports back then, let alone go back and close them.
Hello, just to inform all of you concerned citizens of this thread - my bug report No.1095663 dealing with above discussed issue appears now to have the status “closed” - whatever it means
No message about the conclusion/result received yet (?)