Does anyone know why Comp equal in Stencil buffer doesn’t work anymore?
Thanks in advance.
Does anyone know why Comp equal in Stencil buffer doesn’t work anymore?
Thanks in advance.
Stencil functionality for objects rendered in the deferred rendering path is somewhat limited
from Unity - Manual: ShaderLab command: Stencil
You have to use Forward Rendering.
However, I try this on 2018.2.5f1 and the result is incorrect…
Workaround is set the render queue larger than Transparent and disable shadow.
i know its too late but i ran onto this problem when making my portal effect on ios 11 i was using unity 2018.1 , i did as @Farl_Lee instructed in addition to setting the render queue of the material that reads from stencil buffer to geometry-1 which is 1999 assuming the shader that writes into the stencil buffer has render queue Geometry which is 2000