Unity 2019.2.7f2 - Input no longer read after Builds


I’m kinda panicking…

I have this game I’ve basically put everything into and now after Builds I return to the Unity Editor with no controller inputs being read :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: .

It just kinda all of a sudden started happening.

We’re using Rewired as our main Input system.

I tried the x86 to x86_64 work around. Our project was already set to x86_64 - so I did a flip flop and still nothing .

If I start a completely new repo on a clean slate - the project file will work fine. But once I make a build - it’s then deemed unusable (no controller inputs read!!)

Help!!! :frowning: :frowning:

Help! Anyone!

I tried updating to the nearest LTS and still nothing :frowning:

Why are you posting a Rewired issue in the Input System forum? I do not routinely search the forums for people asking for Rewired support. There is a support form on the website and a forum thread here specifically for Rewired support. The only reason I saw this message is because another Rewired user sent it to me.

Use the tools provided to find out exactly what isn’t working and why:

Use the prefab in the build. Examine everything loaded at runtime. Follow the checklist.

Other important documentation:

Look at the log file for errors.

And because I don’t have enough information, I’m just going to guesst this is an IL2CPP build and Visual Studio 2019 is installed. See this critical issue which manifests in more ways than just hanging including exceptions that could be getting thrown which would be visible in the log file:

No I’m posting here because we’ve explored everything on our end to check and make sure Rewired is fine… and the editor itself maybe something that could be causing it? Idk - we’re pretty lost here

the craziest part…

even if I roll repo far back, my unity will still respond with no input.

so we’re not 100% sure if it’s Rewired (updated and went through troubleshoot house - still issues) or editor related being that 2019 did have some input issues regarding x86_64…

The only way to find out is to go through the steps.

  1. Check the build log file.
  2. Make a build with Debug Information prefab included: https://guavaman.com/projects/rewired/docs/Troubleshooting.html#debug-information
  3. Look at the live values coming back in the build at runtime using Debug Information. There’s a long checklist in that link that will guide you so you can find out exactly what isn’t working. Is the Controller not visible? Are the Controller’s buttons not working? Is the Controller Map loaded and does it have bindings enabled? Is the Action value working?

There are so many possible reasons why input can not work that the only possible way to resolve these issues is to go step by step and find the reason why.