Unity 2019.3.0 Release Candidate 4 is available for testing

Greetings beta testers,

We have a Release Candidate 4 available to try.
This build is only distributed from this forum post, so it will not appear in the Hub pre-releases or in the beta webpage.

We think we have greatly improved the stability and the performance of the editor, although we know we still have a few known issues (see the release notes below) to iron out before we can call 2019.3 officially released.

You can install the version using this hub link (copy & paste in your browser URL to trigger an install from the Hub):

Here are the release notes:

Known Issues in 2019.3.0f4

  • AI: Crash in NavMeshManager on Mobile with IL2CPP when using NavMeshComponents (1175557)

  • Android: 64 bit Build with Physics.Processing runs at a very low FPS (1186295)

  • Animation: Animator.Update CPU time spikes when multiple animations are playing (1184690)

  • Animation: [Performance Regression] AnimatorEditorTests Rebind Big Hierarchy 341 Transform (1203525)

  • Asset Bundles: Building asset bundles when build path doesn’t exist causes a failed assertion on “pluginAppendices.size() <= 1” (1203242)

  • Asset Import Pipeline: [Regression ADB V1-V2] Focusing the Editor Window causes noticeable Slowdowns (1171344)

  • Graphics - General: Crash on UnityEditor.Handles.Internal_FinishDrawingCamera when moving around Scene view with baked Occlusion Culling (1205699)

  • Graphics - General: Custom shader doesn’t override built-in terrain shader (1193781)

  • Graphics - General: Shader is rendered incorrectly when loaded from an Asset Bundle made in Unity 2017.4 in a newer version (1195750)

  • IAP: Disabling and re-enabling IAP in services window throws multiple errors about failing to find assemblies (1193774)

  • IMGUI: Editor.OnSceneGUI is not called when hovering the mouse over the Scene window (1206282)

  • Inspector Framework: [Performance Regression] Focusing and interacting with Clip Inspector in Animation tab of an FBX model is slow (1195759)

  • Inspector Framework: [Unicode] Copying unicode emojis in Inspector causes crash (1201331)

  • MacOS: Bug reporter crashes on Mac when machine is connected to the internet (1181697)

  • MacOS: [OSX] Unity fails to ask camera permission and crashes on privacy violation (1202032)

  • Mobile: [Android] Loading assets from AssetBundles takes significantly more time when the project is built as an AAB (1153358)

  • Physics: Cloth constraints changes when upgrading project from an earlier Unity version to 2019.1.0a12 or later (1175911)

  • Physics: GameObjects with colliders have inaccurate collision with Terrain (1200526)

  • Physics: Parts of Cloth Mesh disappear when entering Play mode (1174475)

  • Profiling: [Mojave] Editor crashed on profiling: Profiler::GetProfilerThreadID() when Exiting Switch Target pop up

  • Profiling: [Profiler] Current frame data not shown after selecting previous frame for the second time. (1204973)

  • Scene Management: [Improved prefabs] Editor crashes on applying joint dependency override when Rigidbody is removed (1163986)

  • Scene/Game View: Logging errors from background thread crashes the Editor when Error Pause is enabled (1173657)

  • Scripting: Editor freeze when selecting two Scriptable Objects with Serialized References (1205920)

  • Shadows/Lights: Realtime shadows are broken on Mac (1206092)

  • Shuriken: ParticleSystem.SetParticles crashes the Editor when writing particle list to array and Particle System has a size module enabled (1197761)

  • Terrain: Painting terrain crashes when texture resolution is below FullRes in QualitySettings (1148582)

  • Terrain: Terrain shape doesn’t match the collision surface when Heightmap Resolution is set below 513 x 513 (1199680)

  • Visual Effect Graph: NullReferenceException errors are thrown on resetting with Simple Heads & Spark template (1199605)

  • Windows: “Error terminating external process” message is thrown when rotating the Sun Source before Lightmap finishes baking (1179901)

New 2019.3.0f4 Entries since 2019.3.0f3

  • 2D: [Backport] [2D] Very high memory use while packing Atlas Variants. (1201054)

  • This has been backported and will not be mentioned in final notes.*

  • Android: Android: When “Installed with Unity (recommended)” is selected in Editor Tools Preferences window, don’t change editor preferences value to embedded path. (1201529)

  • Animation: Fixed human hierarchy validation on nested humanoid characters when using animation C# jobs. (1201991)

  • Asset Pipeline: Prevent clearing Resolver Cache when no changes to ScriptedImporters are detected (1203642)

  • This has been backported and will not be mentioned in final notes.*

  • Asset Pipeline: YAML starting up crash on loading (1200875)

  • This has been backported and will not be mentioned in final notes.*

  • Editor: Fixed an assembly lockup issue related to mouse up handling in the Windows Editor when certain dialogs or progress bars are active. (1191378)

  • This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.*

  • Editor: Fixed editor crashes when changes are made in prefab/ applied to MonoBehaviours with SerializedReference objects (1201433)

  • Editor: Fixed rendering of bold text for rich and non-rich content (1203319)

  • This has been backported and will not be mentioned in final notes.*

  • Editor: Fixed the Plus and Minus icons used in the GameView resolution dropdown, Asset Importer Curves UI. (1166124, 1180720)

  • This has been backported and will not be mentioned in final notes.*

  • Editor: Fixed EditorApplication.hierarchyChangednot being fired when changes were made to GameObject hierarchy via scripts (1200758)

  • Editor: Optimized calls to EditorResources.currentFontName (1202700)

  • This has been backported and will not be mentioned in final notes.*

  • GI: Fixed a rare case of error 502 thrown when baking with the CPU progressive lightmapper. Also improved performance when baking scenes with LoDs with the CPU lightmapper. (1144990)

  • This has been backported and will not be mentioned in final notes.*

  • GI: Fixed issue where light probe gizmos did not disappear when a new scene was created. (1178575)

  • This is a change to a 2019.3.0a5 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.*

  • Graphics: Fix shadow culling issues causing objects to disappear from shadow maps (1175856)

  • Graphics: Fixed bug where temporary render textures would be reallocated instead of reused if mip count was set to 0 (1200485)

  • Graphics: Fixed rare potential crash during shutdown of threaded renderer.

  • This has been backported and will not be mentioned in final notes.*

  • Graphics: Properly fail when trying to use OpenGL ES on Windows on a machine that doesn’t support OpenGL ES (typically AMD GPU based) (1190472)

  • Input: Added support for Pause, Menu, Left and Right stick PS4/Xbox controller buttons on iOS platform (1184465)

  • This has been backported and will not be mentioned in final notes.*

  • iOS: Fix case 1189966 Unity Player does not respect the “Mute Other Audio Sources” toggle in Player Settings (1189966)

  • This is a change to a 2019.3.0a1 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.*

  • ios: Fixed an issue that was causing the crash report generator to query a UIView on a non UI thread, causing a crash (1168277)

  • iOS: Fixed issue when using Unity application as a library and quiting causes host application to crash on certain iOS versions. (1181278)

  • This is a change to a 2020.1.0a11 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.*

  • ios: GUI.RepeatButton returns true only when the button is released. (1187026)

  • macOS: Revert change to utility window behavior that broke probuilder workflow. Utility windows now always on top of editor and floating windows (1196410)

  • This has been backported and will not be mentioned in final notes.*

  • Mobile: Adding iPod Touch 7th Generation to the iOS.DeviceGeneration API. (1185468)

  • Multiplayer: Fixed slow down of editors that running in network with large amount of unity players running (1193875)

  • This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.*

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where Unity could hang for a few seconds when using PackageInfo.FindForAssembly after a domain reload. (1203383)

  • This is a change to a 2019.3.0 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.*

  • Particles: Improve roll correction when disabling the Enable Roll option (1081596)

  • Physics: Change to warning rather than error and update the message to show that the collider is still created and used while not being a perfect representation of the convex hull. (1192188)

  • This is a change to a 2019.3.0a9 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.*

  • Physics: Fix ‘Unity scene is invalid’ error message being spammed when selecting a Joint that is part of a prefab (1106492)

  • Physics: Fix mesh collider complaining about isreadable flag right after building to platform (1159597)

  • Physics: Make sure all the physics public API setters only call SetDirty when the serialised properties were actually changed (1172914)

  • Profiler: Fixed frame selection highlight not being drawn for some frames when showing more than 300 frames. (1197220)

  • This is a change to a 2019.3.0a3 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.*

  • Profiler: Fixed missing messaging that GPU profiling for editor is not supported if playmode is not enabled. (877502)

  • Profiler: Fixed start time precision loss when saving profiler data in the editor (1156652)

  • Profiler: GPU Profiling is not supported with Graphics Jobs enabled. The Profiler now displays this and similar GPU profiling support status information in the GPU profiler Module. (1182401)

  • This is a change to a 2019.3.0 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.*

  • Scripting: Fix regression when debugging partial classes in multiple files. (1118285)

  • This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.*

  • Scripting: Fixed ScreenCapture.CaptureScreenshot not working properly with Physical cameras when superSize > 1 (1192257)

  • Scripting Upgrade: Fix false positives “recursion” errors in some scenarios (1102163)

  • This has been backported and will not be mentioned in final notes.*

  • Scripting Upgrade: Fix wrong assembly reference added by MovedFromNamespace leading to exceptions

  • This has been backported and will not be mentioned in final notes.*

  • Shaders: Add shader “#pragma skip_optimizations gles” that can be used as a workaround for OpenGL ES 2.0 shader compiler problems (1187094)

  • This has been backported and will not be mentioned in final notes.*

  • Shaders: Fixed shader compiler generating unnecessary integers operations in discard checks (1186752)

  • Timeline: Fixed Foot IK being applied in Editor when option is disabled (1197426)

  • This is a change to a 2019.3.0a8 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.*

  • Timeline: Fixed issue where recording couldn’t be turned on for override tracks (1199389)

  • This is a change to a 2019.3.0 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.*

  • Timeline: Fixed issue where the Animation Track’s inline curves were not properly aligned when panning the timeline (1198364)

  • This is a change to a 2019.3.0b11 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.*

  • Timeline: Fixed overlay bug when panning. (1198348)

  • UI: UI: Fixed sorting when rendering Camera and World space canvases on multiple displays. Screen space UI would cause Z testing to be disabled for any displays that were rendered after that display.(case 1199369) (1199369)

  • This is a change to a 2019.3.0 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.*

  • UI Elements: Fix graphview selection performance test (1193811)

  • This has been backported and will not be mentioned in final notes.*

  • Video: Fix for crash when reading movie from asset bundle loaded from managed stream. (1202385)

  • This is a change to a 2019.3 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.*

  • Video: Fix for movies with multiple video tracks on Windows (1196384)

  • Video: Fix playback stall/jitter on DX12 (1203446)

  • This is a change to a 2019.3 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.*

  • Video: Fix split-alpha decoding on Windows/UWP (1192954)

  • This is a change to a 2019.3 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.*

  • Video: Fixed graphics memory leak in Windows/UWP hardware-accelerated video decoding. (1201213)

  • This is a change to a 2019.3 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.*

  • Video: Re-enabled hardware-assisted video decoding on Windows/UWP

  • This is a change to a 2019.3 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.*

  • Web: Disabled warning on non-local unity api connections if api key was not provided. (1198465)

  • This has been backported and will not be mentioned in final notes.*

  • WebGL: Fixed an issue where in WebGL builds Canvas Rect Mask 2D component was not working properly. (1014187)

  • This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.*

  • Windows: Slightly increased the maximum path length that Unity Projects may be in to produce working UWP and Standalone builds on Windows (1198179)

  • XR: Fix OnApplicationPause events when using HolographicPauseOnTrackingLoss. (1192322)

  • XR: Update XR Plugin Managmeent to 3.0.5 (1198361)

  • This has been backported and will not be mentioned in final notes.*


  • Android: Android: When “Installed with Unity (recommended)” is selected in Editor Tools Preferences window and the expected path is not available, don’t look for alternative paths.


  • Android: Android: When “Installed with Unity (recommended)” is selected in Editor Tools Preferences window, display the path where the tool should be located.

  • Editor: ProBuilder updated to 4.1.2.