unity 2019.3.0f3 probuilder upgrade from 2.4 to 4.1.2

we are recently upgrading unity from 2017.4 to 2019.3. Meanwhile, we also want to upgrade probuilder from 2.4.x to 4.1.2 which is under control of package manager. however after install probuilder 4.1.2 from package manager, no auto upgrade is executed and pb_object seem to be missing.
I’m now trying to copy the probuilder 3.0.x from unity 2018.4 manually to unity 2019.3 which will run an auto upgrade process and then upgrade to 4.1.2 again, but don’t know whether it works.

Is there any way to upgrade ProBuilder from 2.4 directly to 4.1.2 in unity 2019.3?

Hi! Hmm, yes I think that you will need to go from 2.4 to 3.x in 19.3, then upgrade to 4.x. Sorry, lots changed in there. Let me know how it goes!

We simply use the probuilder to help creating navmesh, so we just wrote a tool to reconstruct the ProbuilderMesh from pb_object with the vertices and faces data and then remove the pb_object and pb_entity. Seems woking for now.