unity 2019.3.3f1 ! problem with probuilder shape tool !

by mistake i entered 50000! steps into the probuilder shape tool and unity freezes.

i uninstalled probuilder and reinstalled it. i opened a new project and installed probuilder.
every time when i open the probuilder editor window and click on new shape, the shape tool window comes up with the stair shape and the stupid amount of stairs and unity freezes.

is there a way to reset the number of stairs in a log file?
or is there another solution for this problem?

thank you for your help

Hi kurosneko. Please check out this thread Probuilder Shape Tool settings.. saved where?

There is a fix prepared, we should be publishing an update later this week.

thank you dear kaarrrllll,

i was too impatient and did it the hard way. i saved my project and totally deleted everything even in the regedit.
then i sat it up again.
everything is fine now.
i saved your link, just in case, but ihope i won’t do the stupid mistake again.