Unity 2019.3.x - Render Texture loaded from Asset Bundle causes crash in build

We have been seeing consistent crashes with Unity 2019.3.x in Mac & Windows builds for our app. I have attached the Player Log file with this post. When we create a development build and hook it up with our code editor we find that the build crashes when we try to set the render texture’s gameobject which is loaded form the asset bundle to false. Any advice on why this would happen?

5573920–575323–PlayerLog.txt (18.9 KB)

Can you try if the problem reproduces with the latest Unity 2018.4 LTS release? It should not cause problems to update from 2018.3, because it’s basically the same version, just with a ton of bug fixes.

If you’re able to reproduce the crash with the latest LTS release, please submit a bug-report as described in this document, as Unity should never crash:

It’s important that you report these issues together with a reproduction project if you want them to get fixed. If you don’t do it, it might be a long time until someone else reports them or until Unity Technologies find them.

After you submitted the bug-report, you receive a confirmation email with a bug-report Case number. Please post the Case number (number only, not the link) in this forum thread for Unity staff to pick up.

We were on Unity 2019.2.x and when we make a build using that Unity version we do not see the crash in the build. We wanted to move to 2019.3.x so we can use UIElements but when we tried upgrading we notice that crash issue. If we remove the Render Texture gameobject from the asset bundle we don not see the crash anymore. Do you have any suggestions of things that might have changed between these two versions? I will try again to make a build with both the versions. Thanks.

Case number: 1227331

Hi, I am following up on this issue. Here is the link to the bug I filed with the test project: https://fogbugz.unity3d.com/default.asp?1227331_lm7q6lt50fdpsvkt. Please let me know if you’re able to replicate the issue.