Unity 2019.4.23f1 Broke Prefabs and Project - NullReferenceException, ArgumentNullException

I’m sorry you’ve had this issue. Please consider using source control in order to guard and protect your hard-earned work.

Personally I use git because it is free and there are tons of tutorials out there to help you set it up.

Here’s how I use git in one of my games, Jetpack Kurt:

Using fine-grained source control as you work to refine your engineering:

Share/Sharing source code between projects:

Setting up the right .gitignore file:

Now odds are it’s only something trivially out of place, but GET YOUR PROJECT BACKED UP NOW FIRST!

Finally, to investigate errors above, after you have backed up your project:

Some notes on how to fix a NullReferenceException error in Unity3D

  • also known as: Unassigned Reference Exception
  • also known as: Missing Reference Exception
  • also known as: Object reference not set to an instance of an object


The basic steps outlined above are:

  • Identify what is null
  • Identify why it is null
  • Fix that.

Expect to see this error a LOT. It’s easily the most common thing to do when working. Learn how to fix it rapidly. It’s easy. See the above link for more tips.

This is the kind of mindset and thinking process you need to bring to this problem:

Step by step, break it down, find the problem.

When you have identified more where the problem is, here is how to get help in the forums:

How to report your problem productively in the Unity3D forums:


How to understand compiler and other errors and even fix them yourself:

If you post a code snippet, ALWAYS USE CODE TAGS:

How to use code tags: Using code tags properly