Unity 2019.4.4f1 taking longer to load scenes


I’ve upgraded Unity from 2019.2 to the recommended version 2019.4.4 LTS and I’ve noticed a significant increment in load times for my scenes (specially for one of them).

I haven’t changed anything in the project beyond this upgrade, so I guess it has something to do with the Editor itself.

I’ve profiled the Editor (with deep profiling enabled) and this is the result when it’s loading the scene:

The last thing I can see in the Profiler (not seen in the screenshot above) is Loading.LockPersistentManager, which takes 15155.95 ms.

Is this time normal? What’s happening here? And why previous versions of Unity (at least Unity 2019.2) were loading faster?

Ok, I still don’t know what the problem is, but we unpacked the prefabs that were loaded in the scene (some of these prefabs were overriding the original ones) and the load of the scene is now instantaneous. Something was clearly off with the prefabs, but I don’t know what.

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Unfortunately in my case breaking prefabs changed nothing.

If you have terrains in the scenes you are loading, this is a known bug and I hope Unity fixes it.