Unity 2019.4.8f1 + URP (linear colorspace) = black screen on Android

Just installed Unity 2019.4.8f1 via Unity HUB but whenever I make a build I only get a black screen on the device (Android 10, Nokia One Plus). Not even the splashscreen shows up. I am literally just doing this:

  1. Install from HUB (width all modules: SDK, NDK, Java OpenJDK) + Android Build Support
  2. Hub > New Project > URP Project Template
  3. Switch Platform to Android
  4. Disable “PostProcessing” and “Anti-Aliasing” on the “Main Camera” in the “Sample Scene”.
  5. Build
  6. Black Screen on device (not even the splashscreen shows)

I initally tried upgrading my own project from 2019.4.1f1 and got the same result. Therefore the test with a new project. I assume it is something in my setup but I can’t get any more basic than using the default Sample Scene.

Can anyone confirm that Android builds work with URP and 2019.4.8f1?
Thank you

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I got mine working in a Galaxy s3 with 25-30fps with bloom post-processing.
First time i use URP i got black screen, but that beucase i was using an asset for color gradient, after removing that all is working fine.

Remember you must put in Project Settings → Quality the Render Pipeline created.
To do that: Right click on Project asset folder, → create → rendering → universal pipeline → the first one for example.
Then select it and move it to Project settings → quality.
After all, select camera in hierarchy, component camera, rendering, and choose your urp object.
I hope this can work for you.

Hi, thanks for the confirmation.

I have a project working with URP in 2019.4.1f1. It’s just after upgrading it stopped working.

Usually the first thing for me to do is to blame it on my specific project setup. That’s why I created a new URP project (with a fresh Unity install, with all the sdks) using the Unity Template for URP. The URP template comes with all things preconfigured so I doubt that’s the issue. Since that also did not work I wanted to make sure it’s not a Unity thing before I dig deeper.

So, I did some digging and it turns out the culprit was “Player > Other Settings > Rendering > Color Space > Linear”, once I set this back to Gamma it started working again. Unity seems to have remembered the linear setting for Android builds, or is this the default now?

Here is how it looks on the devices when using linear (the Moto shows the splash screen followed by some pixel mess, the Nokia just stays black). Devices: Nokia 7 Plus (TA-1046), Moto G5 (XT1676). I assumed “Linear” color space is supported on mobile? It worked just fine in Unity 2019.4.1f1

I have also attached all the relevant settings of the test project.
