I’m having trouble with something I had fixed in Unity 2018. I’m rebuilding my app to make use of some new features.
The app is an Augmented Reality app that plays video over painted window murals. Starting last year we’ve started using transparent movies, since that feature was working on Android (before that we were using png sequences) These files are stores in Asset Bundles that we fetch from a server when the target is detected.
The file works in the editor as expected.
The following notes worked in 2018 that do not work in 2019 and I can’t figure out why.
- The video is webm. I used the same process as the videos I used for our event last year that worked fine on Android in Unity 2018.
- he video is transcoded for android. In searching the problem I have tried setting the codec to H264 and VP8, but neither setting worked.
- The Render Texture setting was ARGB32. That setting no longer exists in Unity 2019. I feel like this is part of where th e problem may be. On most settings the video works without alpha OR is completely black (no colour image). R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT causes the video the be completely 100% transparent, with no colour information. I know it’s loading because it briefly shows a black box before it starts playing and I can hear the audio.
- Depth buffer on the render texture is 24 bits depth.
- Yes, I am compiling the AssetBundle for Android.
- The AssetBundle containing the video is NOT compressed. That’s a known ‘gotcha’ I figured out last year.
Other things I’ve tried looking into this;
- I’m not using URP, HDRP or LWRP in this project at all.
- I’ve tried tinkering around with adding shaders. I don’t know much about shaders but it was worth a try.
- I’ve tried playing around with the Texture Compression settings in the Android Build Settings panel. Doesn’t seem to have had any effect (which makes sense, since that seems to be for the app build itself, not the AssetBundle builds.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Our event in Toronto goes live in 2 weeks. I erroniously thought this would be ‘not a problem’ because I had it working before and it’s clearly a problem suddenly and I don’t know why.