Unity 2020.1.2f1 -- constant freezing with status window [Critical deal breaker]

We just updated our project to 2020 and it became impossible to work.

On a large scene, every 5-10 seconds, totally randomly (even if I don’t move a mouse) the editor freezes showing a window like this:

That is happening constantly, no matter what am I doing (or just not doing anyhting). Never experienced anything like that on the latest 2019.x. The duration of a freeze is about 2 sec.

PS: Working on a medium-size scene it still constantly freezes every ~5 secs or so, but the length of a freeze is about 0.5 sec and seems that the “Hold on” window just doesn’t have enough time to pop up.

How large is your project?

On a daily basis I encounter slowdowns, crashes, and other problems due to project scale (my own project is about 100 GB). Being burned many times over due to Unity not carefully testing for large projects has led me not to upgrade.

I don’t have a solution for you but if you figure it out or a later version of Unity fixes this I’d appreciate if you could post an update so I know myself when it’s safe.