We can see in the documentation that to call a C# methode from jslib, we have to use “unityInstance.SendMessage(…)”.
But since 2020.1, “unityInstance” is not declared as global by default in the “index.html”, so after each build, i have to tweak the “index.html” file before i can actually test my application.
Is there a way to call “unityInstance” inside the jslib without having to make it global in the “index.html” file ?
I’ve found that the default template is located in C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2020.1.0f1\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\WebGLSupport\BuildTools\WebGLTemplates\Default\index.html.
So this solved my “tweaking file after each build” thing.
But still i would like to do a Module that would work seemlessly with Webgl/Standalone/etc, and now if someone whant to use it, he will have to remember to tweak the file after each Webgl build, or create a new template just for this specific module to work.
And having access to the unityInstance seems very usefull, i dont understand why it have been removed from the default template ? This is causing a lot of webgl asset to fail in the asset store too.
So still if i could at list access this unityInstance in the jslib somehow, without having to change the template, that would be great if anyone know
Yep i already saw that, but i believe it gives no hints to how we can access the unityInstance inside the jslib without having to tweak the index.html in the default template (or after each build).
finally, i copy the default template and :
.then((ui) => {
unityInstance = ui;
and outside ,
function getUnityInstance() {
return $(“#iframe_unity_id”)[0].contentWindow.unityInstance;
Actually, i want honw how to touch unityInstance directly without use template too
Yep, its sad to loose the default global unityInstance, but the worst thing is having to tweak the index.html just so we can use the unityInstance inside the jslib
I have no knowledge about the technologies involved but i feel that they must be a work around, witch is why im posting here in the first place ^^
Yes it works !
I saw you post about this where you talked about “Module.UnityInstance”, but it didn’t work and when i did inspect the Module variable i though it was null so i did not investigate more. That was a mistake obviously.
I don’t have so much time to see how all of this works right now so this is helping me a lot !
Thank you
You can open the Chrome or Firefox dev tools and print the content of unityInstance after it loads, you’ll be able to inspect all the methods/variables of it.