Unity 2020.3.30f1 - Stuck on "Application.Reload" forever

I’ve tried the ‘solutions’ (right click on the project folder and select Properties, ctrl & s in Unity, observing the moon at 3.33am, etc), but nothing works - I’m stuck on Unity’s dreaded progress bar and i haven’t saved for a while.

Can anyone help?

I know this sounds like a long shot, but if it starts and stops over and over - try turning off your wifi/internet. This resolved projects for us in 2020/21/22. Unity has some threadlocking call home thing happening. This takes a few minutes to timeout and then usage normalizes, provided you keep the internet off…

If it only happens after building a project etc, this appears to be a bug weve see sometimes with 2020.3.3x. I suspect an update to the latest 2020.3.x would resolve it but hard to say for sure. Their hub updates seem to break 2018/2019/2020 from time to time (in user profiles and account licensing).

Its a bit of a mess.

Thanks for that!
It hasn’t happened since - I’ve been saving a lot also in case.

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