NOTE: Moved from the animator forum section when I realized this wasn’t exclusively an animator issue. Hoping to get more visibility here.
I recently started fiddling with the animator in Unity 2020.3.31f1, and I’m having a lot of issues I could use some help with. Firstly, anytime I have any animation selected, my CPU shoots through the roof, even when it’s not previewing.
Secondly, anytime I make a transition, the state being transitioned from bugs so that the motion information in the inspector tab is no longer visible, and also once again, the CPU shoots through the roof.
Does anyone have suggestions on a fix for this? I did some googling and couldn’t find a similar issue on recent versions. Thanks in advance.
EDIT: It turns out this is not restricted to the animator. CPU also shoots through the roof if I have any of the packages in the package manager selected. Is it possible to move this thread to a more appropriate forum without recreating?
EDIT: The bug seems to be tied to the inspector window. Even with a package in the package manager highlighted, if I have a game object selected so that the inspector is showing that information, the CPU drops back down to normal. I was able to recreate this on a completely empty project.
EDIT: I was able to reproduce all of these issues after a fresh instillation of Unity 2020.3.31f1 with a fresh empty project. Surely someone else is having these issues.
Ok, yeah thanks for the links. It looks like variations of this problem have been going on for 2 years now! How has animation been completely broken for that long. That’s alarming. I can’t seem to find a version of Unity that doesn’t have some kind of development dead-end that brings progress to a halt. I actually moved this project off of 2021 when I discovered DOTS wasn’t fully compatible only to run into this. I submitted a bug report a few days ago. Still waiting on feedback.
Out of curiosity, are you also seeing huge jumps in CPU usage when any of the packages in the package manager are selected?
Hello Crawdad. Yes, I see jumps in the latest and penultimate versions of 2020. I don’t know earlier, but I think it’s like that in everyone.If you have windows 10, then maybe windows 7 does not have such problems with the processor, maybe.For me the most stable version is 2018.4.36f1 But you can not update the advertising package to the latest version, as it will not work. In versions 2019, too, everything is not as we would like. The latest version 2019.4.37f1 has empty line errors.If I’m not mistaken, this is not a strong problem and can be solved
In versions 2018, 2019, I did not notice any problems with the processor, and compilation.There were also no glitches with performance on phones.I think here you need to select a version for yourself and test it, just be sure to make copies of the project so as not to break what is already there.
For anyone who’s looking for a way to work around the animation issue where you can’t create transitions, I found this video helpful. It’s not a fix, but just another way to approach enabling and disabling animations.
I submitted a bug report for this over 2 weeks ago and still haven’t heard anything back. It might be that this is one they just don’t want to deal with.