Unity 2021.2. 0b1 does not start

Hello everyone, I have installed Unity 2021.2. 0b1 via Unity hub, however, after installation, I ran into the problem that unity does not start in any way, no matter what I do, when I try to open a project in it or create a new one, just the download icon appears instead of the cursor for 5 seconds and disappears, it is also not in the processes, what should I do? I tried to reinstall and move it to other folders, run it as an administrator, all in vain (((Other versions of unity work perfectly, what could be the matter?

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Same problem.

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win7 crash editor


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I also have windows 7 :smile:, is this really the reason?..

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Can anyone that is running into this post their editor log?

Alas, when creating a project version 2021.2, log files are not created and there is no failure, it simply does not start. I will also add that after trying to start and re-enter the Unity Hub, the created project is not there, it is deleted automatically :open_mouth:


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Can you try starting Unity directly via Unity.exe and tell me what happens? We tried it on two separate Windows 7 installs and cannot reproduce the issue, so Iā€™d like to figure whatā€™s different between our setups and yours.

Yes, no problem, I recorded a video for clarity, absolutely nothing happens when trying to launch


Can you configure your computer for application crash dump capture like outlined here? Collecting User-Mode Dumps - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn

Use the dumptype 2 (full dump).

Once configured, run Unity like you did in that video and wait around a minute. A dump should appear in the folder you specified in the registry (make sure that folder exists prior to starting Unity). Then compress it to zip/7z. upload it to google drive/dropbox/whatever else and PM me a link to it.

Okay, Iā€™ll try to do it

I upload it on Google drive, because its size exceeds the maximum available on the forum

Hey, can you check if you have this Windows update installed? https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=47409

Does Unity Hub say anything about missing Windows updates?

The installation indicates that the update is not applicable to this computer, there are no notifications in Unity Hub, so itā€™s just about the old Windows and this update??

Iā€™m not sure at this pointā€¦ it could be the update is installed. Does Windows Update offer you any updates?

Something wrong seems to be happening to the Visual C++ runtime at initialization time: it encounters a fatal error. I do not understand why it does that, but it might be worth trying to reinstall it and seeing if it fixes it: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/update-for-visual-c-2013-redistributable-package-d8ccd6a5-4e26-c290-517b-8da6cfdf4f10 (you want vcredist_x64.exe).

Alas, reinstalling Visual C ++ did not give any effect, windows updates are disabled and I havenā€™t received them for a very long time, is that the point?

Itā€™s possible, but I canā€™t say that for certain. Iā€™ve tested Unity on Windows 7 Service Pack 1 with only the update that I linked above installed (and no other updates), and it seemed to work fine.

I assume the same thing happens if you open Unity regularly (rather than running it via ā€œRun as Administratorā€)?

Would you be able to submit a bug report via the Unity bug reporter? Since you cannot launch Unity, you could manually launch it by going into the Unity installation directory: there should be folder named BugReporter and inside of it, UnityBugReporter.exe. It will collect information about the system so that we might better try to recreate your environment. Feel free to mention this forum thread when reporting the bug.

I need to send a request through the bug reporter with my email address and wait for a response to it, right?

Correct. It should send you a 7 digit case number which can you post here.

Hi @Tautvydas-Zilys
I have same problem. Double clicking .exe does not open unity launcher. Actually does nothing on my pc. Opening it through launcher also does nothingā€¦ Same was happening me with 2019.x but it was fixed somehow

Does the Unity hub work? Are you on Windows 7 too?