I have upgraded my project from 2020 to 2021 and there is an issue with the Application.identifier override feature (Android).
I have ticked the override button and retyped the correct in the Player Settings and it shows as the modified one, but when I query Application.identifier using C#, it still shows as the default one (com. + my actual company name + actual app name), messing up a few things in game.
It only happens in the editor. Building to a device shows the correct id.
Is there a way to fix that ?
I don’t have exactly the same issue, but maybe related. I am on 2021.2.10f1, but experienced the same with 2021.2.9f1. I have not installed older versions yet to reproduce the problem.
I have been using Application.identifier using C#, but changing the build settings does not affect the code output anymore (it stays at the old value). I noticed that the old value can be found in Library/ArtifactDB, so I deleted that file and let Unity recreate it. This solved the problem temporarily, as now the Application.identifier is updated to the content of the build settings, but changing the value in build settings again will result in the original problem (no effect on Application.identifier).
I also noticed that this only is the case in Editor, not when building an apk and deploying it to the device (there the Application.identifier seems to be properly set).