Unity 2021.2 Is Now Available

I have been using this package: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/essentials/starter-assets-first-person-character-controller-196525
for first person movement with 2021.1, but now after going to 2021.2 suddenly the rotation with the mouse was kind of laggy. After a while I found a fix by changing update mode in input settings to “Process Events In Dynamic Update”. But I am not sure what exactly has happened here. Has someone else seen this issue?
I think it only happens with this package. Even if you just install it in a new project. But I haven’t done too much research. I only tried some of the Cinemachine samples and they were fine with fixed update mode. But they are all third person controllers.
Also, it just seems to impact rotation, not translation.

[Edit] Looks like I am not the only one: Say hello to the new Starter Asset packages page-4