Unity 2021.3.40f1 can't open project using git 3.46 command line installed

3 of my artists are now STUCK unable to open our project.

It seems like since we all have git 3.46 installed on the command line, the editor is unable to fetch the git packages. It is failing.

From my initial research online, this might be related to a change to the manage of the path. The last backslash might be missing in the call to git?

Open a project with the latest git installed is busted now.
Unity fails to fetch packages it needs to open.
It looks like it is related to a missing backslash in the path.

Git is installed
Git is in the path
git -v = 3.46.


give the ease of changing the path on a windows computer, if the command line needs an \ on the end of the git path to appease unity… its worth a try, it also maybe relevant if the path is possibly too long? So, for example, mine added to my path C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\GitHubDesktop\bin and I have had issues with importing some git projects if they didnt have the exact right import line, so some worked, some didnt…

I don’t control the path creation, it’s the unity editor that builds the path with internal code.

I was thinking the system path variable…

I see!

Let me try that!

But again, this is a hack on my side.

This needs to be bubbled up to Unity to fix this bug.

Are there no Unity Employee reading this forum?
Is there a different way to submit bugs?

You can submit bugs through the ide

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