Unity 2021.3.5f1 - ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 'Attempt to access invalid address.'

Hi, I got a crash and I would like to identify what is causing this issue. What I noticed before my crash, my asset bundles materials were pink, and some textures were extremely low resolution. Then a crash proceeded to happen, without notifying the user to send a report.

Here’s my crash dump, if someone could give a callstack that would be wonderful.

9757773–1397319–Crash_2024-04-08_182457910.7z (92.9 KB)

It seems to crash on this API call: Unity - Scripting API: TerrainData.SetTreeInstance

It seems one of the terrain renderers is invalid… I’m not exactly sure why that’d be. Let me move this thread to world building subforum.